Immagine visiva della testata
Store logo of Tema dinamico app

Tema dinamico's flight subscription

Subscribe to a flight for receive latest Preview builds for testing new features and fixes before they are finished and available in the Tema dinamico stable builds.

What is it?

We offer the opportunity to discover in preview the new features and fixes to getting your thoughts.
These versions are distributed directly through the Windows Store.

However, this implies:

  • These versions are not finalized, they can be unstable (but that's not the goal)
  • Changes available can be deleted by the finalized version
  • The user experience may not be optimal temporarily
  • Temporary malfunctions can be found that will be fixed in the next version
  • Maybe some missing translations (text is in English).

The feedbacks after the use of these versions are important in the development process in order to provide stable quality versions.

Your work? send feedbacks :)

Nothing! However if you use Preview versions we will be grateful to send feedbacks (bugs, your opinions, requests, ...) to be able to change the application in the direction you want. For this, an advanced report feature is available in the tab "Information" directly from the application.
Screenshot of the advanced report functionality

Subscribe to a flight

Flight desired:

Thank you to indicate your email address that you use as Microsoft Account in the Windows Store (required).

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