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Tema dinamico changelog

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Tema dinamico build 1.7.74 (

Rilasciato il 17 giugno, 2023

Tema dinamico changelog

Che cosa è cambiato

  • Some performance optimizations

  • Ukrainian translation

  • Bulgarian translation

Cosa c'è fisso

  • Wrong preview used in description overlay settings when one Bing picture and one WindowsSpotlight picture options are used

  • Incorrect cache management when a new local picture is manually set (need to be selected 2x to be set)

  • Incorrect management of actions synchronization when the background task of the application is runnung and the application is opened and used

  • Fixes to improve reliability when the user makes several rapid changes to selected option

  • Prevent the application to crash if the loading of the available font families throw a system exception

  • Random application crash related to the navigation control

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