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Tema dinamico changelog

Confrontare la versione corrente stabile, ultima versione di anteprima, e versioni precedenti per vedere quando nuove funzionalità e correzioni importanti sono stati introdotti in Tema dinamico.
Bandiera promozionale della domanda

Tema dinamico build 1.4.30210 (1.4.302.10)

Rilasciato il 8 settembre, 2018

Tema dinamico changelog

Cosa c'è di nuovo

Build 1.4.30210 (1.4.302.10)

  • Support Windows Spotlight pictures description and copyright

  • For Bing and Windows Spotlight pictures, you can click on the description to open the associated search into Bing Search

Che cosa è cambiato

Build 1.4.30210 (1.4.302.10)

  • Windows Store policies does not allow anymore donations with native purchase APIs, so all transactions are now redirected to PayPal

Build 1.4.30209 (1.4.302.9)

  • Polish translation

  • AppCenter SDK updated (version 1.9.0)

Cosa c'è fisso

Build 1.4.30210 (1.4.302.10)

  • Some internal errors

Build 1.4.30209 (1.4.302.9)

  • Unreliable data migration implementation when roaming data is restored or when the application is newly installed

  • In some cases, the pictures are synchronized at the lower resolution (warning: starting the application one time after the update is required)

  • When the application is newly installed, a crash may be occurs at each start

  • In the Information menu, the Feedback link (Feedback Hub) was not display correctly

  • Some errors in the image viewer with zoom actions on terminals that have a touch screen

  • The home menu is not anymore clickable because there is no action associate to it

Problemi noti

  • The app works with Continuum but the settings do not apply correctly

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