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Tema dinamico changelog
Confrontare la versione corrente stabile, ultima versione di anteprima, e versioni precedenti per vedere quando nuove funzionalità e correzioni importanti sono stati introdotti in Tema dinamico.
The current picture quality is now displayed in the viewer (+ tooltip to shows the detailed resolution)
Che cosa è cambiato
When the UHD resolution of the Bing picture is not available, the fallback system to the next best available resolution is now supported (Microsoft has changed some things since a month or so, and the UHD resolution is less available than before)
In the Bing pictures settings, the warning that indicates all the resolution are not always available now uses a bold font
Lithuanian translation
Cosa c'è fisso
When the Bing picture is not available in the UHD format, when saved the file name indicates the right resolution of the picture