Tema dinamico changelog
Tema dinamico build 1.5.33174 (1.5.33174.0)
Cosa c'è di nuovo
Build 1.5.33170 (1.5.33170.0)
Application updates are managed into the app: you can check the updates availability in the About view and the update progress is also displayed into the application
Application updates management: if an update is available, after some times a notification will appear
Automatic repair wizard: to help you to diagnostics common errors, a wizard can be launch from the About view
Telemetry data are now managed by you: you can set them to full (default), basic or disable them (only if you are not using a preview of the application)
Settings preview: the application can now be detect if you are using the dark or light system theme
Che cosa è cambiato
Build 1.5.33174 (1.5.33174.0)
AppCenter SDK updated to version 2.6.1
Build 1.5.33170 (1.5.33170.0)
Picture viewer: your theme is now used instead of the forced dark theme
Picture viewer: using the in-app navigation back button instead of the legacy one (Windows 10 16299 and beyond)
Picture viewer: context menu is now using the last native Windows 10 UI style and icons (Windows 10 14393 and beyond)
Bing pictures: if your current region is not supported, a message will indicates that you are using the default one
In About view: updated help links
In About view: added link to subscribe to Preview builds
In About view: reworked 'Contact' button
AppCenter SDK updated to version 2.5.0
Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform updated to version 6.2.9
Cosa c'è fisso
Build 1.5.33174 (1.5.33174.0)
Reliability fixes about telemetry system
In the picture viewer, a 'GoBack' toolip is incorrectly display in all places
Build 1.5.33170 (1.5.33170.0)
In some cases, content dialogs can crash the application
Quality improvements and reliability fixes
Problemi noti
The app works with Continuum but the settings do not apply correctly
The notifications can be empty (no picture preview) in some cases
Uscite correnti
Rilasciato il 9 ottobre, 2024 Versione di anteprima
Rilasciato il 9 ottobre, 2024 Versione di anteprima
Rilasciato il 11 ottobre, 2024 Versione stabile
Want to test the Preview builds? Find out how to subscribe to the flights in this page.