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Dynamic Theme changelog

Compare the current stable release, latest Preview build, and previous releases to see when new features and major fixes were introduced in Dynamic Theme.
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Dynamic Theme build 1.7.69 (

Released on June 2, 2023

Dynamic Theme changelog

What's new

  • You can now incrust the description of the Bing and Windows Spotlight pictures in the picture itself! (#1 feature request since a while) with a good set of customization options

  • You can now pause the daily update of Bing/Windows Spotlight pictures for a specified time with automatic resume after the delay

  • You can now pause the daily update of your slideshow for a specified time with automatic resume after the delay

  • You can now use a specific time to update your background/lock screen with the slideshow feature

  • You can now update your background/lock screen with the slideshow feature each time a system 'user presence' event is detected

  • You can now update your background/lock screen with the slideshow feature each time a system 'startup' event is detected

  • When an action succeed/failed in the picture viewer, a temporary banner indicates the result

What's changed

  • Windows 10 10.0.17763.0 is now the minimum version supported by the application

  • Windows UI Library updated to version 2.8.4

  • AppCenter Library updated to version 5.0.2

  • Unavailable lock screen settings in High Contrast mode are now hidden with an informational banner

  • Keep the last location of the file selector when a picture is manually saved

  • A limited connexion no longer raises an 'issue detected' message but a specific informational banner is displayed in each content page

  • The troubleshooting wizard is more accurate (more precise descriptions) when connection problems are detected

  • The troubleshooting wizard can be open directly from the picture viewer when there is a network issue

  • A specific notification is automatically raised after a few days when a limited connection is detected and impacts the proper functioning of the application

  • When the connection status changes, the troubleshooting wizard automatically updates its status

What's fixed

  • Bad local currency decimal separator support for donation (PayPal) for some culture

Current Releases