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Dynamic Theme changelog

Compare the current stable release, latest Preview build, and previous releases to see when new features and major fixes were introduced in Dynamic Theme.
Promotional banner of the application

Dynamic Theme build 1.7.100 (

Current release for Preview, Release Preview, Current Release Stable release

Released on September 12, 2024

Dynamic Theme changelog

What's new

Build 1.7.99 (

  • Windows Spotlight pictures 4K/UHD are now supported! 🎉

  • New Windows Spotlight picture quality setting that allows you to choose the quality you want (4K, Full HD, landscape, portrait)

What's changed

Build 1.7.100 (

  • Keep the last folder selections (albums) in the “recently used” list

Build 1.7.99 (

  • Better management of the portrait pictures in the viewer

  • Feedback Hub integration was removed due to lack of proper support for third party developers (new owned solution will be implemented at a later time)

  • Chinese (Simplified) translation

  • Bulgarian translation

  • Portuguese translation

  • Portuguese (Brazil) translation

  • Polish translation

  • Dutch translation

  • Flemish translation

What's fixed

Build 1.7.100 (

  • Error with the picture export feature in the viewer after a lot of save (1000+)

Build 1.7.99 (

  • Picture quality setting is not correctly managed (local or synchronized between devices)

  • Missing metadata when exported pictures in some cases

  • Some Windows Spotlight pictures can't be loaded due to an unexpected content type from the server

Current Releases