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Dynamic Theme changelog

Compare the current stable release, latest Preview build, and previous releases to see when new features and major fixes were introduced in Dynamic Theme.
Promotional banner of the application

Dynamic Theme build 1.6.80 (

Released on March 19, 2023

Dynamic Theme changelog

What's new

  • The current picture quality is now displayed in the viewer (+ tooltip to shows the detailed resolution)

What's changed

  • When the UHD resolution of the Bing picture is not available, the fallback system to the next best available resolution is now supported (Microsoft has changed some things since a month or so, and the UHD resolution is less available than before)

  • In the Bing pictures settings, the warning that indicates all the resolution are not always available now uses a bold font

  • Lithuanian translation

What's fixed

  • When the Bing picture is not available in the UHD format, when saved the file name indicates the right resolution of the picture

  • Some internal issues

Current Releases