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Store logo of Dynamic Theme app

Dynamic Theme changelog

Compare the current stable release, latest Preview build, and previous releases to see when new features and major fixes were introduced in Dynamic Theme.
Promotional banner of the application

Dynamic Theme build 1.6.67 (

Released on August 24, 2022

Dynamic Theme changelog

What's changed

Build 1.6.67 (

  • Improved performance of the random slideshow option with large volumes of pictures

Build 1.6.66 (

  • Windows is not case-sensitive and the automatic Windows Spotlight pictures export can be impacted by that (few cases only) - the algorithm to detect existing file (for the open button and for the automatic export) is improved to manage that

  • Improved HTTP requests management to detect when there is a filtering override the expected content

What's fixed

Build 1.6.67 (

  • In rare circonstances, the application can hang due to management of concurrent actions

  • Incorrect initialization of the current picture with the photo and slideshow options (when options are changed)

Build 1.6.66 (

  • If the installation of an update fails (Microsoft Store not operational or other external cause), the pending update will remain displayed

  • Some internal errors without user impact

Current Releases