Dynamic Theme changelog
Dynamic Theme build 1.4.30217 (1.4.302.17)
What's new
Build 1.4.30216 (1.4.302.16)
New 'English - International' culture option for the Bing pictures
What's changed
Build 1.4.30217 (1.4.302.17)
Feedback system improvements for better reliability
Build 1.4.30216 (1.4.302.16)
Improve Bing pictures provider reliability: for some culture like China, better performance and prevent some synchronization errors
Build 1.4.30214 (1.4.302.14)
Rollback: use the Windows SDK again (version 10.0.17134) because the background tasks are not working with the version 17763 (a bug is open in Microsoft)
AppCenter SDK updated (version 1.12.0)
General internal improvements (asynchronous actions management, memory management, and more)
Build 1.4.30213 (1.4.302.13)
Windows SDK updated (version 10.0.17763)
Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform library updated (version 6.2.2)
AppCenter SDK updated (version 1.10.0)
Microsoft Store Services SDK updated (version 10.1810.16002)
What's fixed
Build 1.4.30217 (1.4.302.17)
In some cases, the application crashes at the first startup
In some cases, the viewer not display the picture
In some cases, no picture available in the viewer due to a cache error
In the viewer, zoom level is not updated when the picture changed
In the viewer, option 'set picture as...' is not working
Build 1.4.30216 (1.4.302.16)
Possible application crash when navigation into Bing or Windows Spotlight pictures history
Possible no picture available when the Bing culture option is changed
Some internal errors
Build 1.4.30215 (1.4.302.15)
Since last changes in build 1.4.30214, unable to save a picture from the viewer
Since last changes in build 1.4.30214, application crash when an Advanced Report is sent
Since last changes in build 1.4.30214, application crash when a picture is shared with the native Windows feature
Since last changes in build 1.4.30214, application crash when you choose a directory or click on it
Since last changes in build 1.4.30214, 'View history' link of the Bing and Windows Spotlight pictures is no more working
Build 1.4.30213 (1.4.302.13)
Improved compatibility with the last Windows 10 19H1 builds (Insider Preview) - but malfunctions persist because of internal changes to Windows currently in progress
Bad or missing supported languages in 'About' view
Some bad use case with navigation back workflow
Known Issues
The app works with Continuum but the settings do not apply correctly
Current Releases
Released on October 9, 2024 Preview release
Released on October 9, 2024 Preview release
Released on October 11, 2024 Stable release
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