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Tema dinámico de cambios

Comparar la versión actual estable, lo más tarde Vista previa de acumulación, y versiones anteriores para ver cuando se introdujeron nuevas características y correcciones importantes en Tema dinámico.
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Tema dinámico build 1.7.100 (

Lanzado el 12 de septiembre, 2024

Tema dinámico de cambios

Qué hay de nuevo

Build 1.7.99 (

  • Windows Spotlight pictures 4K/UHD are now supported! 🎉

  • New Windows Spotlight picture quality setting that allows you to choose the quality you want (4K, Full HD, landscape, portrait)

Qué ha cambiado

Build 1.7.100 (

  • Keep the last folder selections (albums) in the “recently used” list

Build 1.7.99 (

  • Better management of the portrait pictures in the viewer

  • Feedback Hub integration was removed due to lack of proper support for third party developers (new owned solution will be implemented at a later time)

  • Chinese (Simplified) translation

  • Bulgarian translation

  • Portuguese translation

  • Portuguese (Brazil) translation

  • Polish translation

  • Dutch translation

  • Flemish translation

Lo que es fijo

Build 1.7.100 (

  • Error with the picture export feature in the viewer after a lot of save (1000+)

Build 1.7.99 (

  • Picture quality setting is not correctly managed (local or synchronized between devices)

  • Missing metadata when exported pictures in some cases

  • Some Windows Spotlight pictures can't be loaded due to an unexpected content type from the server

Las versiones actuales