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Tema dinámico de cambios
Comparar la versión actual estable, lo más tarde Vista previa de acumulación, y versiones anteriores para ver cuando se introdujeron nuevas características y correcciones importantes en Tema dinámico.
When the background tasks are unhealthy (misconfiguration), a link to the FAQ is now available for the Windows 11 users (specific things related to how Windows upgrade the settings from Windows 10, new installations are not concerned)
Optimization of the cache of already used Windows Spotlight pictures
More optimizations related to the background tasks lifecycle (automatic picture update)
Lo que es fijo
A specific error when migrating internal data from a (very) old version of the application
Incorrect status report for folder(s)'s permissions specific to the slideshow feature
The field for setting a specific time update could be displayed when the option does not apply
After autosave Bing or Windows Spotlight picture activation, the used directory is not refresh (if needed) before application restart
Title bar rendering with right-to-left (RTL) languages
In rare circumstances, if enabled, telemetry can crash the application's background tasks
In rare circumstances, the application could hang at startup if the update management module failed