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Dynamic theme Changelog
Vergleichen Sie die aktuelle stabile Version, neueste Preview Build und früheren Versionen zu sehen, wenn neue Funktionen und wichtige Fixes in vorgestellt wurden Dynamic theme.
You can now define if the directories are recursive (off by default to preserve performance) with the slideshow option
Was hat sich geändert
Build 1.6.70 (
Remove margin for full window display of the pictures in the viewer
Scrollbars are now visible when needed in the picture viewer
French translation
Was wurde behoben
Build 1.6.70 (
Rare cases where connected animations, in connection with the picture viewer, could crash the application
Some improvements that can correct the bad zoom that sometimes occurs when navigating in the picture viewer
Rare cases where the gesture recognizer in the picture viewer could crash the application
Build 1.6.69 (
When you use a Cloud directory (OneDrive, or your favourite service) with not available locally pictures and your Cloud service is not running, the slideshow option can stop to work
The random slideshow option was no longer working for some users
The slideshow option can stop to work (or unreliable) if some pictures in your directories are in bad format (corrupted or partial file)
Lock screen settings were sometimes incorrectly displayed/refreshed