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Shop-Logo Dynamic theme App

Dynamic theme Changelog

Vergleichen Sie die aktuelle stabile Version, neueste Preview Build und früheren Versionen zu sehen, wenn neue Funktionen und wichtige Fixes in vorgestellt wurden Dynamic theme.
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Dynamic theme build 1.5.33232 (1.5.33232.0)

Veröffentlicht am 3. Juli 2021

Dynamic theme Changelog

Was gibt's Neues

  • Persian translation (partial)

  • Romanian translation

  • Portuguese translation (partial)

  • Portuguese (Brazil) translation (partial)

Was hat sich geändert

  • Polish translation

  • German translation (partial)

  • Various optimizations

Was wurde behoben

  • Picture viewer: incorrect zoom management in some cases

  • Picture viewer: an unnecessary separator is visible in the contextual menu in case of the selection of an image

  • A crash can occur with an empty EXIF data

  • Diagnostic data was no longer correctly associated when a message is sent by an user

Bekannte Probleme

  • This version (1.5) is now finalized but not all the translations are complete actually (working on)

Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen