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Shop-Logo Dynamic theme App

Dynamic theme Changelog

Vergleichen Sie die aktuelle stabile Version, neueste Preview Build und früheren Versionen zu sehen, wenn neue Funktionen und wichtige Fixes in vorgestellt wurden Dynamic theme.
Werbe-Banner der Anwendung

Dynamic theme build 1.4.30230 (1.4.302.30)

Veröffentlicht am 19. Mai 2020

Dynamic theme Changelog

Was hat sich geändert

Build 1.4.30230 (1.4.302.30)

  • Some contextual data are added into telemetry traces when exceptions are reported

Build 1.4.30229 (1.4.302.29)

  • Uses the last stable version of the Windows SDK (10.0.19041.0 - 20H1/May Update)

  • Improves the HTTP requests management for having a better resiliency

  • Hides picture fit options in the background and lockscreen settings when 'System' option is used because it is not applicable in this case

  • Reworked how the already used Windows Spotlight pictures are saved to prevent crashes and reset of the local cache

Was wurde behoben

Build 1.4.30230 (1.4.302.30)

  • Some internal errors

Build 1.4.30229 (1.4.302.29)

  • Issue with data migration from a previous (very old) version detected in the telemetry data

  • Issue with the data cache of a Windows Spotlight picture in some cases that may cause an application crash

  • Issue with the local cache initialization that may cause (sometimes) a delay in the daily picture update

  • Issue with the loading of available donation items in some cases that may cause an application crash

  • Issue with the loading of pane items in some cases that may cause an application crash

  • Issues with high latency (degraded system performances) cases that may cause an application crash

  • Issue with the toasts notification management when an user install the application for the first time when all system notifications are disabled by the user (internal crashes)

  • Some internal errors

Bekannte Probleme

  • The app works with Continuum but the settings do not apply correctly

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