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Shop-Logo Dynamic theme App

Dynamic theme Changelog

Vergleichen Sie die aktuelle stabile Version, neueste Preview Build und früheren Versionen zu sehen, wenn neue Funktionen und wichtige Fixes in vorgestellt wurden Dynamic theme.
Werbe-Banner der Anwendung

Dynamic theme build 1.4.30208 (1.4.302.8)

Veröffentlicht am 27. August 2018

Dynamic theme Changelog

Was gibt's Neues

  • Polish translation

Was hat sich geändert

  • Russian translation

  • Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform library updated (version 6.1.7)

  • AppCenter SDK updated (version 1.8.0)

  • Microsoft Store Services SDK updated (version 10.1711.28001)

Was wurde behoben

  • Unreliable Background Task registration/execution (Bing & Windows Spotlight images) due to incorrect declaration

  • Incorrect application menu renderer when user navigate with keyboard

  • A crash may occur when the images cache is updated (at startup for example) due to incorrect management of some scenarios

  • A crash may occur sometimes due to bad management of asynchronous operations in some scenarios

  • A crash may occur when you want to save an image from the viewer when it is in bad format/state

  • Some internal errors without impact

Bekannte Probleme

  • The app works with Continuum but the settings do not apply correctly

Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen